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Three Things

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

What now? As I started this website right before COVID-19 hit, I was focused on longevity and staying healthy for your whole life. Now, we all just want to stay alive. I was the 2800 person to test positive for COVID-19 in the US, so was facing a lot of unknowns. We are still facing a lot of unknowns. It makes us feel out of control.

But, as I started thinking about how we will go back to normal life, I am hoping that we won’t jump back into our old bad habits. I started thinking about holistic nutrition, and keeping ourselves healthy, but so many more issues came up. We need to start with our own personal health, and start eating better, but that cascades into having access to healthy food, which leads us to the way we grow our food. We need to stop using pesticides and things that are poisoning us. We need to stop using so many of our resources for factory farming. We need to start eating less meat to save ourselves and the planet, and it goes on and on. The more you know, the more hopeless it seems, especially in this time of COVID, where nothing seems like a sure thing.

What can we do? Something! If we choose just three small things that we can do to change our health, which will also impact the health of the planet, we take back some control and hope. We don’t all have to do the same things. One person can stop eating meat once a week, another can start composting, another can stop using plastic bags or bottles. But, if each of us chooses a couple small things, it will start making a big difference. And the more we do, the more we will want to do.

And if COVID has taught us anything, it is that we can do a lot more than we thought...and do with a lot less. We can make bigger sacrifices, we can live with a lot less, and we can definitely use less of our earth’s resources on any given day than we thought. If this new world teaches us anything, it is teaching us that we can do anything if we have to!

So, choose three small things that you can start doing that will improve your health and the health of the planet. They don’t have to be extreme. Not everyone wants to commit to becoming a vegan, and you don’t have to! My three things right now are eating more cruciferous veggies, starting a compost bin, and taking my supplements every day. Small bits of consistency will make you feel better and make you want to do more. Each month or two, switch it up. Keep the original things, and add a few more. I will be giving you ideas in my newsletter on small ways that can profoundly improve your health and the health of the planet, without dramatically changing your lifestyle. What the heck, it can’t hurt!

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Linda Leikness
Linda Leikness
Nov 01, 2020

Thank you Bev for doing this teaching, giving us good reminders and providing encouragement! We will be better together!

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